The Land May Be Hard, But The Spirit of the Berang Merah Farmers is Stronger!


The Land May Be Hard, But The Spirit of the Berang Merah Farmers is Stronger!

In Negeri Jerili, Amahai, Central Maluku, a group of young people from the Naulu tribe is embarking on a journey filled with hope and challenges. Together with YBTS, the Berang Merah farmers are not just learning to plant; they are also building a better future for their community.  

Farming in Negeri Jerili is no easy task. The land, dominated by clay soil, presents significant obstacles. When the dry season arrives, this soil hardens, making it difficult for nutrients to be absorbed, and fertilizers become hard to come by. As a result, crops struggle to grow properly. However, the spirit of the Berang Merah farmers never fades.  

The youth learned composting
The youth learned composting

With the guidance of Abimayu, the Technical Field Officer for Maluku, the Berang Merah farmers have discovered innovative solutions through composting. By utilizing the resources available around them, they prove that “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Under Abimayu’s direction, this group learns to transform dry leaves and other natural materials into nutrient-rich compost. This is their first step toward turning hard soil into fertile ground, bringing new hope for growing vegetables.  

The youth preparing for nursery
The youth preparing for nursery

However, their journey does not stop there. In addition to creating organic fertilizer, they are also taught how to properly sow seeds. From selecting the right planting medium to the germination process and ensuring the seeds grow healthily, every step becomes valuable knowledge for them. With each seed they plant, hopes and dreams are embedded within, aiming for a brighter future.  

With unwavering spirit, the youth of the Naulu tribe demonstrate that even though their land is hard, their determination is far stronger. They are living proof that with knowledge and hard work, challenges can be transformed into opportunities. 

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