As the Subdistrict Head of Wewewa Barat since 2021, Bapak Antonius Kette, S.TP, is recognized as a driving force consistently pushing for community empowerment programs in the villages of Wewewa Barat Subdistrict, encouraging them to boldly showcase their abilities. He consistently inspires villagers to actively engage as resilient farmers. Pak Antonius is pleased to directly observe farmers’ activities in the field, particularly the management and utilization of land for various types of agricultural crops, while identifying the potential within the region.
With determination, Bapak Antonius initiated a transformative action through the “Vegetable and Fruit Subdistrict Movement,”known as the “SABU MOVEMENT”. This program is designed progressively with short-term, medium-term, and long-term objectives. In a short period, the pilot project of this movement will commence in three villages, following Pak Antonius’ efforts to build coordination and commitment with village governments for the immediate implementation of vegetable and fruit cultivation. Other efforts include establishing an electronic-based information system to assist young farmers in creating innovations in their agricultural livelihood. If successful, program promotion will be conducted through digitization, and the SABU Movement will be expanded to encompass 20 villages in the Wewewa Barat Subdistict.
To achieve the goals of this movement, Pak Antonius will implement various strategies, including establishing partnerships with Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) in the Agricultural Livelihood through Integrated Approach (PERMATA) program supported by the William & Lily Foundation (WLF). The SABU Movement, as a community empowerment program tailored to the region’s conditions and the needs of the community, is also supported by other partners. The Subdistrict Head, who has the motto “Farming is the root of prosperity, plant with heart and harvest with spirit!”, is aware of his responsibilities in exercising the authority granted by the Regent, particularly in handling all government affairs and coordinating support for community empowerment activities in his area. Hopefully, this big dream can be achieved by creating a community that can manage its potential optimally. Stay spirited and keep up the good fight.