On February 17, 2025, in Batang Regency, Central Java, local farmers and government officials came together for a Farmer Field Day (FFD) to witness firsthand the benefits of biochar technology in sustainable farming. Supported by the WRI-P4G partnerships, the collaboration between WasteX, Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS), and Yayasan Agathis Dammara (AdaKarbon), aimed to provide farmers with innovative solutions to improve soil health and combat climate change.
With 87 demo plots established in Central and East Java throughout 2024, this FFD was held near a 500 m2 long bean demo plot in Botolambat Village, managed by key farmer Pak Kodri. The plot was planted on January 2, 2025, incorporating biochar technology in its first planting cycle under the guidance of YBTS’s Technical Field Officer, Aviscenna.
Farmers observed noticeable improvements, such as enhanced soil porosity, healthier vegetative growth, and stronger crops. “I notice an improvement in the raised beds using biochar — my long bean plants thrive more, the leaves are greener, and the soil is looser and more fertile,” said Pak Kodri. “I will continue to observe the next harvest to see if biochar can also increase my income this season.”
The event welcomed 51 farmers alongside key stakeholders, including Kandeman Sub-District Head H. Kusrin, who praised the initiative as a pioneering effort in the region. “This is the first event of its kind in our district, and I strongly encourage farmers to adopt sustainable practices like biochar to improve their income,” he stated. Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Batang Regency Department of Food & Agriculture also attended, reinforcing government support for biochar technology. “Biochar solutions could be integrated into the Climate Smart Agriculture program from the Ministry of Agriculture,” expressed Sri Mulyani from the Agricultural Extension Center (BPP). “And together, we can expand its reach by collaborating with government agricultural extension services nationwide,” she added.
A highlight of the event was the demo plot visit, where attendees witnessed the effectiveness of biochar firsthand. A symbolic harvest of long beans, conducted by key stakeholders and smallholder farmers, further demonstrated the positive impact of this innovation. The excitement continued with interactive training sessions by YBTS, AdaKarbon, and WasteX, covering crop management, biochar application, and farmers registration for project benefits. Despite the rain, participants remained highly engaged, eager to discuss their experiences and explore how biochar could benefit their farms.
This FFD served as an important milestone in promoting sustainable agricultural innovation through biochar adoption. By fostering knowledge exchange and practical demonstration, the event has encouraged more farmers to implement eco-friendly farming practices that not only enhance productivity but also contribute to climate resilience and carbon emission reduction.
Written by Ulya Zulfa (YBTS)
Photos by Aviscenna Syahidaturachman (YBTS), Mirza (AdaKarbon), Nabilla (WasteX)
Edited by Nadya Nariswari Nayadheyu (YBTS)