Enza Zaden and YBTS Boost Young Farmers In Obelio Village


Enza Zaden and YBTS Boost Young Farmers In Obelio Village

Enza Zaden and Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) collaborate to support farmers to improve productivity and quality of agricultural yields. Enza Zaden’s team, Sheryl Leao (Regional Marketing Manager – Southeast Asia) and Ahn Nguyen (Global Portfolio Manager), visited young farmers supported by YBTS in Oebelo Village, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara.

The purpose of this visit was to observe the Let’s Grow program (supported by the Ganesha Foundation, Switzerland) taking place in Oebelo Village. This program aims to enhance the skills of young farmers and encourage them to choose agriculture as their main livelihood.

Meet the assisted youth farmers directly in the field led by Rika Bhernike Sitepu (Team Leader Timor-Sumba – YBTS) and Tio Ruth Octania (Technical Field Officer – YBTS), they have been providing intensive training to these young farmers. Lovian Andriani Sinambela (Data Management Supervisor – YBTS), further contributed by showcasing the business management aspects for these young farmers. This included insights on cost management, profit analysis, and market strategies, helping the youth understand agriculture business comprehensively.

During the field visit, the Enza Zaden team interacted directly with young farmers, observed ongoing farming practices, and provided relevant advice. They also shared knowledge about agricultural technologies and methods aimed at improving productivity and quality of agricultural yields.

This hands-on experience has enriched the understanding of young farmers, sparked enthusiasm, and demonstrated positive changes. The young farmers are now learning about better farming techniques and sustainable agricultural management.

The visit by the Enza Zaden and YBTS team to Oebelo Village has brought new spirit and confidence to young farmers. With the guidance and support provided, they are more enthusiastic about making agriculture a promising career. It is hoped that the Let’s Grow program will continue to inspire and empower more young people to engage in agriculture with optimism.

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