What We Do

Youth Development

YBTS is committed to empowering youth in the agricultural sector by equipping them with essential life skills, knowledge, and opportunities for a successful future. We acknowledge the critical role that young people have in promoting sustainability and fostering innovation in agriculture. Our programs are designed to provide hands-on training in modern and sustainable farming techniques, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

The Land May Be Hard, But The Spirit of the Berang Merah Farmers is Stronger!
The Land May Be Hard, But The Spirit of the Berang Merah Farmers is Stronger!
In Negeri Jerili, Amahai, Central Maluku, a group of young people from the Naulu tribe is embarking on a journey filled with hope and challenges. Together with YBTS, the Berang Merah farmers are not just learning to plant; they are also building a better future for their community.   Farming in Negeri Jerili is no […]
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Big Changes for Elisa’s Life in Farming
Big Changes for Elisa’s Life in Farming
Elisa Mnubefor, a young man has chosen to engage in farming while also serving as the leader of the youth farming group in his village. The group is called the Yawerma Farmers Youth Group in Warsansan Village, North Biak District, Biak Numfor Regency, and it underwent significant changes after connecting with the Yayasan Bina Tani […]
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Zakarias’ Passion for Farming Produces Results
Zakarias’ Passion for Farming Produces Results
The field of agriculture is indeed promising for those who are diligent, enterprising, and willing to try. This has been proven by a young man from Wafor Village, North Biak District, Biak Numfor Regency, Zakarias Kafiar, who has been dedicated to farming for 4 years. Zakarias initially did not have a stable profession. Sometimes he […]
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Farm Business Planning Transforms the Future of Young Farmers
Farm Business Planning Transforms the Future of Young Farmers
Djidhon Yosua Babys, often called Sua, is a young farmer supported by YBTS in Desa Ponain, Amarasi, Kupang Regency, NTT. Sua’s success is heavily reliant on a well-structured Farm Business Plan. With guidance from YBTS’s Technical Field Officer and Life Skill and Inclusion Officer, as well as training in Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Life Skills, Sua has learned […]
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Bridging Knowledge Across Borders: Empowering Youth Farmers
Bridging Knowledge Across Borders: Empowering Youth Farmers
The Let’s Grow! project, supported by the Ganesha Foundation and led by Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS), is transforming the lives of young farmers in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, through a powerful combination of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and life skills training. Recently, the project welcomed a visit from the East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation (EWS-KT) team, which […]
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MACO, Its Role in Optinizing Farmers’ Harvest Distribution
MACO, Its Role in Optinizing Farmers’ Harvest Distribution
At Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS), the commitment to empowering farmers extends beyond the fields. While our Technical Field Officer (TFO) team provides invaluable guidance on good agricultural practices (GAP), the Market Access & Connectivity Officer (MACO) team ensures that the yields of our farmers reach the markets where they can thrive. This comprehensive support system is crucial for […]
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