What We Do

Intergrated Livelihood

YBTS is committed to enhancing the livelihoods of farmers by integrating various agricultural practices and resources. We focus on providing comprehensive support that includes access to diverse income-generating activities, training in sustainable farming techniques, and assistance in market access. Our approach emphasizes the importance of diversification in farming, enabling farmers to explore multiple avenues for income, such as crop rotation, livestock management, and companion crop.

Collaboration, the Key to Success in Farming
Collaboration, the Key to Success in Farming
Heronima Emiliana Loba, also known as Ibu Helni, initially worked as a staff member of the Regional Secretariat (SETDA) of Southwest Sumba Regency. In 2021, Ibu Helni joined the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of Southwest Sumba as a Field Agricultural Extension Officer (PPL). She was assigned to the Agricultural Extension Center in Wewewa […]
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“SABU” Movement
“SABU” Movement
As the Subdistrict Head of Wewewa Barat since 2021, Bapak Antonius Kette, S.TP, is recognized as a driving force consistently pushing for community empowerment programs in the villages of Wewewa Barat Subdistrict, encouraging them to boldly showcase their abilities. He consistently inspires villagers to actively engage as resilient farmers. Pak Antonius is pleased to directly […]
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Mama Lily’s Farmer’s Chef
Mama Lily’s Farmer’s Chef
Strategically located in Tambolaka City, Mama Lily, a member of the Women’s Farmers Group (KWT) Hidup Bersama in Wee Rena Village, faces challenges with limited land and water supply. However, they have found a smart solution by running an agricultural business for 11 years using their home garden. For Mama Lily, there is always a […]
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Farming Towards Improved Livelihoods
Farming Towards Improved Livelihoods
The Niri Kalebu Farmers Group, formed in September 2021 and inaugurated in February 2022, aims to enhance the welfare of its members through agriculture. “Niri Kalebu” in Sumbanese means “sheltering under a big tree,” reflecting collaboration and support from various parties such as the government, agriculture extension workers, non-governmental organizations, and other institutions with aligned […]
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Harvesting Success of Vegetable Farming in the Arfak Mountains
Harvesting Success of Vegetable Farming in the Arfak Mountains
Elyakim Mandacan is a farmer who has successfully implemented good agricultural practices (GAP) in the Arfak Mountains, Manokwari, Papua. Elyakim was a traditional farmer with limited knowledge and farming practices. His transformation to success began when the field staff of YBTS provided guidance. With the implementation of GAP, Elyakim achieved significant harvest results, leading to […]
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Turning Ordinary Field into Extraordinary Field
Turning Ordinary Field into Extraordinary Field
Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) is firmly committed to providing continuous support and sharing agricultural knowledge with farmers in Indonesia. YBTS has been actively involved in assisting farmers, particularly in the Eastern Indonesia region, as evidenced by their efforts in Nabire Regency since 2018. One of the farmers who has received significant support from YBTS […]
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