About Us

Bridge the Gap Between Seed Technology and Practical Farming

Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera

Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) was established to take part in the social and humanitarian fields, especially related to agricultural livelihoods. We work to help improve farmers’ livelihoods to make them more prosperous. The founding of the foundation is one of the corporate social responsibility strategies of PT. East West Seed Indonesia.

We believe that farmers’ livelihoods can be improved, among others, by means of a transfer of knowledge and technology in order to increase the capacity and productivity of farmers in farming. In this regard, the Foundation provides counseling and consulting services, conducts training on cultivation and agricultural business, and operates nurseries.

The Foundation’s program targets small-scale farmers in Indonesia, especially those who are still low or have limited access to technical assistance and extension services. We also give attention and service to the management and use of natural resources and the environment in a sustainable manner.

Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision

We believe in high quality vegetable seeds for better living. With this vision we assist in the improvement of farmers livelihood and care also about social and environmental issues.

Our Mission

In realizing the vision, YBTS provides knowledge and technology transfer, agriculture extension and consultancy services, and conducts training on agriculture practices and agribusiness. In this regard, we develop a program based on the potential for improvement of smallholder farmers’ livelihood in eastern parts of Indonesia and less penetrated markets.

YBTS, founded in April 2009, targets small-holder farmers especially those with limited access to the technical assistance and extension services. We put great attention and provide services in sustainable use and management of natural resources and environment.

Our Value

Farmers’ Best Friends

We are farmers' best friends, placing them at core of our service. We empower farmers with vital knowledge and skills for successful agricultural practices, offering close guidance and unconditional support. Our focus is on serving farmers through Knowledge Transfer, extension services, and project partnerships, aiming for impactful results and positive changes in livelihoods.

Happy and Grateful Employee

Motivated, enthusiastic, and passionate, YBTS employees play a crucial role in the YBTS' success. In every circumstance, they remain happy and grateful for their accomplishments, understanding the direct link between farmer happiness and employee satisfaction. Upholding values of integrity and positive attitude, fostering teamwork, and prioritizing continuous learning, YBTS employees contribute to the foundation's mission with dedication and sincerity.

Strive for Excellence

Aspire for excellence through innovation, operational excellence, and disciplined teamwork, committed to continuous improvement and perseverance in achieving the foundation's goals. We go the extra mile in serving farmers and internal customers, using efficient tools for quick adaptation, remaining proactive, flexible, and responsive to changes, and adopting an agile approach in seeking information and sharing best practices.

Message from The Board

Rutger Groot

Chairman, Board of Trustees

When my father, Dr. Simon Groot, and Piet Mazereeuw decided to set up the Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS), they saw that Indonesia’s smallholder farmers did not only need quality seeds, but they also require more knowledge on farming techniques. They did not realize such a solid organization would be reaching out to so many farmers across Indonesia. And I can say and precise, Simon is immensely proud of YBTS. With a solid support with PT. East West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO) and close collaboration with East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer, YBTS is managing to bring better livelihood to the farmers and affordable nutritional vegetables to their communities. East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer community valued the contribution of YBTS immensely; and that’s the hard work of YBTS team I witnessed myself during the field trips. YBTS work is so distinctive because a solid work with EWINDO’s secured and high-quality seeds will always be available for farmers who trained by us. The great Mahatma Gandhi once said, “to forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil, is to forget ourselves.” We, at YBTS, ensure everyday again that people remember how to work the lands, growth crops, and feed the loved ones. I want to congratulate all YBTS team of all achievements.
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Jaap Maazereuw as a Member, Board of Trustee of YBTS

Jaap Mazereeuw

Member, Board of Trustees

During these 15 years, many huge impacts for many-many growers in Indonesia, which is very rewardful and very important work. It’s a part of our mission: breeding to feed the world. Of course, we can supply the genetics with all the potential in the seeds, but what make it work is also to create and realize this potential in the field with agronomical practices. YBTS is doing a great job in helping the growers, to really capture the values we put in through Research & Development. I would like to congratulate YBTS team for the great work and huge impact you make for many-many growers in Indonesia.
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Glenn Pardede

Glenn Pardede

Chairman, Supervisory Board of YBTS, Managing Director of EWINDO

Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) was founded through the initiative of Simon Groot and Piet Mazereeuw to help more farmers in Indonesia, even transforming those who are new to agriculture into farmers. With high-quality seeds, they achieve better yields and greater profits, positively impacting their lives. PT. East West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO) will continue to support YBTS activities with the company’s funds and expertise accumulated over the past 34 years. This ensures that YBTS will continue to assist farmers in Indonesia.
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Edwin S. Saragih

Chairman, Board of Excecutives

Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) was founded by Simon Groot and Piet Mazereeuw with the aim of bringing quality seed technology to farmers in Indonesia. This enables farmers to achieve high yields and income, enhancing the well-being of their families. The founders of YBTS recognized the need for a new strategy to reach farmers in remote areas across the archipelago. These farmers require technical support and practical information to apply in their farming endeavors. Currently, YBTS has a significant program from the Ganesha Foundation in Switzerland, called Let’s Grow, which focuses on mentoring 1,000 young people in NTT and NTB. Additionally, the Board of Directors of EWINDO strongly supports YBTS in its activities, allowing more farmers to prosper through vegetable cultivation and the guidance provided by YBTS staff. YBTS journey is a long-term relay and marathon. We are here for good; we are here to always support the assisted farmers.
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Faisal Reza

Secretary, Board of Excecutives

Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) has been making an impact for 15 years. Fifteen years is not a short time; it is a phase where we begin to take off and go to the next level. Throughout this time, YBTS has demonstrated improved quality in every project, and I am confident that we are on the right track. YBTS’s success in gaining support from PT. East West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO) and securing projects is clear indicators of the high-quality work and trust from Board of Directors and donors. This achievement is due to thorough preparation and high professionalism, not mere luck. With continuous growth and professionalism, I am confident that the team at YBTS will become even more motivated and happy in their mission to assist farmers in Indonesia. At EWINDO, we value “happy and grateful employees,” and I hope this value is also felt by the entire team at YBTS. Let us continue this spirit, and with that, I invite YBTS to go to the next level!
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Isak Heryawan

Treasurer, Board of Excecutives

A total of 7,283 farmers benefited from our accompaniment activities. Among other things, farmers can obtain one or a combination of the following benefits: Attend and participate in training & extension service for farmer groups Acquire knowledge and skills in horticultural vegetable farming practices; Get access to the use of high-quality seeds Successfully increase yield or vegetable production Earn farm income from vegetable cultivation The ultimate goal of the foundation’s activities is that farmers earn a good and sustainable income from vegetable cultivation, and their families become more prosperous. Through intensive demplot and mentoring activities,  152 key farmers in Papua and Maluku grow various types of vegetable crops (top 5: tomatoes, shallots, cayenne pepper, sweet corn, curly chili). The average profit per growing season is Rp 6,600,000 (US$ 440). Support from PT. East West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO) in this program is very large and meaningful for farming families. 191 young farmers in Flores, NTT, earn an average profit of US$4.6 per day; This figure certainly exceeds the line figure of US$2 per day. This certainly motivates other youths to make vegetable cultivation a staple occupation in the village. In this project, TBTS partners and is supported by the Ganesha Foundation, Switzerland. 48 farmer groups (508 people) in Southwest Sumba have succeeded in diversifying their farming through the cultivation of vegetable crops. The increase in revenue in the farmers group’s demplot was very significant, reaching US$303 to 687 per season. After this group demplot completed, each group member then conducts vegetable farming on their respective fields. YBTS partnered with the William & Lily Foundation on this livelihood improvement program. 45 vegetable plots in the yard were carried out by mothers on Anambas island, as a source of nutritious vegetable food for the family. MedcoEnergi provides support in this activity. We always put farmers, inclusive of women and young people, at the centre of our services and  mentoring. Serving farmers through various knowledge transfer activities and technical assistance aimed at enabling farmers to implement sustainable good practices in their on-farm farms; And will succeed in getting good production, and of course profitable farm income. This is what YBTS focuses on and is committed to. Moreover, we encourage and assist young people to enter agricultural farming as a source of their income and livelihood. There are many success stories, for more information please visit: www.binatani.or.id and facebook YBTS.. We also spread this success story through YBTS social media channels and the staff also actively shared success stories and technical messages. Amazingly, the results are the reach of social media channels, inspiring other farmers through access to this information. A total of 173 posts on the Binatani channel and 265 posts on the staff channels have succeeded in getting 637 thousand and 438 thousand engagements, respectively. While the reach of the audience itself gained 4.1 million. In our opinion, the positive influence of sharing information and knowledge of farming practices through social media channels is very beneficial. Finally, YBTS Management and all staff would like to express their special gratitude to Mr. Glenn Pardede as Managing Director of PT East West Seed Indonesia for his support; to the new Board of Trustees of the Foundation Mr. Rutger Groot and Mr. Jaap Mazereeuw at the direction and approval of YBTS’ program and budget. Thank you and our warm regards,
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Knowledge Transfer

YBTS adopts tactical and pragmatic strategies in its knowledge transfer activities to achieve its vision and mission effectively. These strategies are designed to simplify the comprehension and application of technical concepts introduced by our field staff.

Essential elements of our approach include establishing demonstration plots, promoting good agricultural practices, providing training, facilitating direct interactions, organizing field days, and assisting farmers in accessing other necessary interventions.

What We Do in Knowledge Transfer
  • Learn and Practices
  • Use good quality seeds
  • Apply GAP
  • Share experience
  • Education on GAP using knowledge materials: crop guides, flyers, booklet, videos, etc.
Training of Farmers
  • Shares success story
  • Share and distribute knowledge materials
Farmers Field Day (Expo)
  • Water access, soil, & water conservation
  • Integration of resiliency initiatives
  • Information service
  • Youth initiatives
Other Intervention

YBTS Work Model at Field

YBTS adopts a work model centered on addressing farmers’ challenges and issues in a productive and sustainable manner. This approach prioritizes farmers, placing them at the core of our work and services.

Selected based on specific criteria, emphasizing their commitment, influence on the farmers, and a readiness to receive support.
Facilitate learning & practices
Share knowledge & information
Tap opportunities for farmers support (access to agri-input, water, market, and finance)
Communicate knowledge, information and success stories via digital channel.
Event to expose success & exchange experience.

Annual Report

Annual Report 2023
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Annual Report 2022
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Annual Report 2021
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Annual Report 2020
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Annual Report 2019
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Annual Report 2018
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Annual Report 2017
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Annual Report 2016
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Annual Report 2015
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Annual Report 2014
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Our Team

Meet the professional teams dedicated to completing our missions..

Glenn Pardede
Supervisor Board
Edwin S. Saragih
Extension Manager
Faisal Reza
Isak Heryawan
Arga Wisnu Pradana
Assistant Manager
Ellyda Chaterina Hutabarat
Assistant Manager
Rika Bhernike Sitepu
Team Leader - Timor Sumba
Ganang Gaga Prakoso
Team Leader - Papua
Paschalis Bagus Satrio Utomo
Team Leader - Sumbawa
Septian Dwi Cahyo
Team Leader - Maluku
Binsar SP Lumban Gaol
Team Leader - Flores
Ulya Zulfa
Team Leader - P4G Biochar
Febrianus Mado
Senior Technical Field Officer
Wilfried Tuche Kitu
Technical Field Officer
Elisabet Novia Listiawati
Technical Field Officer
Sepriyason Kono
Technical Field Officer
Anita Ariani
Technical Field Officer
Rozanov Cita Fatra Adi
Technical Field Officer
Frinto Artu Soleman Sopaba
Technical Field Officer
Aviscenna Syahidaturachman
Technical Field Officer
Frederikus Buga Ritan
Technical Field Officer
Tio Ruth Octania
Technical Field Officer
Arief Rahman Putra
Technical Field Officer
Adek Tia Jusman
Technical Field Officer
Siti Rahma A. Kadir
Technical Field Officer
Maulida Yudhityana Rizqi
Technical Field Officer
Jasmine Rahmadini
Technical Field Officer
Helena Ekaprasetia
Technical Field Officer
Ummi Mahrani Nasution
Technical Field Officer
Rotua Nainggolan
Technical Field Officer
Zulfikar Fauzi
Technical Field Officer
Akuilah Imanuel Herdowanto
Technical Field Officer
Fery Rince Sila
Technical Field Officer
Mariana Ivantri Tombor
Technical Field Officer
Paulus Mik
Technical Field Officer
Fidelis Lende
Technical Field Officer
Annisa Rahma Fatika
Technical Field Officer
Simson Herwin Abisay
Technical Field Officer
Amandus Lau
Technical Field Officer
Mahesa Brian Gianni
Technical Field Officer
Andreas Putra S. Ginting
Technical Field Officer
Faris Amiruddin Mujahid
Technical Field Officer
Fahri M. Dj. H. Bajak
Technical Field Officer
Zaimah Rifaatuzzakiyah
Technical Field Officer
Technical Field Officer
Omega Feodora
Technical Field Officer
Tami Paskalia Tambunan
Technical Field Officer
Dimas Bagus Almaksumi
Technical Field Officer
Danang Cahyono Putro
Technical Field Officer
Yorvel Frengki Boimau
Technical Field Officer
Stefanus Garamba
Technical Field Officer
Imanuel Marsyom
Technical Field Officer
Luqman Al Hakim
Technical Field Officer
Mega Suci Putri Arum Nabila
Technical Field Officer
Daud Israel Howay
Technical Field Officer
Yokanan Jiwo Panunggal
Technical Field Officer
Agustinus Kayetanus Wase
Youth Inclusion and Market Connectivity Officer
Muhammad Ridlo
Market Access & Linkage Officer
Mateus Umbu Sogara
Market Access & Connectity Officer
Nadya Henderina Sede
Life Skill & Inclusion Officer
Life Skill & Inclusion Officer
Maria Liliyanti Tae
Life Skill & Inclusion Officer
Andhika C. J. Subnafeu
Life Skill & Inclusion Officer
Life Skill & Inclusion Officer
Chors Matheos Bana
Life Skill & Inclusion Officer
Lovian Andriani Sinambela
Data Management Supervisor
Maria Hera
Data & Monev Jr. Officer
Alifio Adlin Enggarianto
Data & Monev Jr. Officer
Fatimah Azzahra Nurul Afifah
Farm Field Data Officer
M. Rizki
Farm Field Data Assistant
Gradiana Tefa
Farm Field Data Assistant
Fridolin Rosmilin Kette
Farm Field Data Assistant
Nadya Nariswari Nayadheyu
Digital Media & Communications Officer
Alvian Prasetyo
Digital Media & Communications Jr. Officer
Septian Dwi Cahyo
Team Leader - Maluku
Zaimah Rifaatuzzakiyah
Technical Field Officer
Debra Michelle Tudha
Finance & Accounting Supervisor
Dede Sri Maharani
Nina Nurhasanah
Accounting Assistant
M. Paskalina Arum R. Wale
Admin & Finance Officer
Yulia Fesiasri
Admin & Finance Officer
GA & HRBP Coordinator
GA & HRBP Coordinator
Sintia Pertiwi
General Admin & Procurement Officer