About Us
Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) was established to take part in the social and humanitarian fields, especially related to agricultural livelihoods. We work to help improve farmers’ livelihoods to make them more prosperous. The founding of the foundation is one of the corporate social responsibility strategies of PT. East West Seed Indonesia.
We believe that farmers’ livelihoods can be improved, among others, by means of a transfer of knowledge and technology in order to increase the capacity and productivity of farmers in farming. In this regard, the Foundation provides counseling and consulting services, conducts training on cultivation and agricultural business, and operates nurseries.
The Foundation’s program targets small-scale farmers in Indonesia, especially those who are still low or have limited access to technical assistance and extension services. We also give attention and service to the management and use of natural resources and the environment in a sustainable manner.
We believe in high quality vegetable seeds for better living. With this vision we assist in the improvement of farmers livelihood and care also about social and environmental issues.
In realizing the vision, YBTS provides knowledge and technology transfer, agriculture extension and consultancy services, and conducts training on agriculture practices and agribusiness. In this regard, we develop a program based on the potential for improvement of smallholder farmers’ livelihood in eastern parts of Indonesia and less penetrated markets.
YBTS, founded in April 2009, targets small-holder farmers especially those with limited access to the technical assistance and extension services. We put great attention and provide services in sustainable use and management of natural resources and environment.
Farmers’ Best Friends
Happy and Grateful Employee
Strive for Excellence
Rutger Groot
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Jaap Mazereeuw
Member, Board of Trustees
Glenn Pardede
Chairman, Supervisory Board of YBTS, Managing Director of EWINDO
Edwin S. Saragih
Chairman, Board of Excecutives
Faisal Reza
Secretary, Board of Excecutives
Isak Heryawan
Treasurer, Board of Excecutives
YBTS adopts tactical and pragmatic strategies in its knowledge transfer activities to achieve its vision and mission effectively. These strategies are designed to simplify the comprehension and application of technical concepts introduced by our field staff.
Essential elements of our approach include establishing demonstration plots, promoting good agricultural practices, providing training, facilitating direct interactions, organizing field days, and assisting farmers in accessing other necessary interventions.
YBTS adopts a work model centered on addressing farmers’ challenges and issues in a productive and sustainable manner. This approach prioritizes farmers, placing them at the core of our work and services.
Meet the professional teams dedicated to completing our missions..