The winner is someone who has experienced failures but rise again


The winner is someone who has experienced failures but rise again

Daniel Malo Umbu Pati, known as the Field Agricultural Extension Officer (PPL) in Wewewa Barat Subdistrict, is always seen actively participating in various activities during his partnership with the Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS). Daniel Malo Umbu Pati, affectionately called Dani by his colleagues, has been a part of the Agricultural Extension Center (BPP) in Wewewa Barat Subdistrict for two years. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in agriculture and before becoming a PPL, Dani was not hesitant to seek work experience outside the field of agriculture. He even participated in political party activities and worked with the Regional General Election Commission of Southwest Sumba.

Together with other PPLs, Dani accompanies farmers in three other villages, namely Waimangura, Kabalidana, and Pero villages. He has gained a wealth of knowledge in agriculture, particularly horticulture, through various training sessions and benchmarking studies, activities conducted in collaboration with YBTS, and supported by the William & Lily Foundation (WLF) through the Agricultural Livelihood through Integrated Approach (PERMATA). “As a PPL, I was allowed to be a speaker, sharing knowledge, experience, and motivation with many farmers and PPLs through talk show events on RRI Waikabubak and the Regional Government Radio of TTS Regency, as well as online media in Southwest Sumba,” he said.

The trust placed in him as a speaker in various public media has left a profound impression because the information, he shares becomes crucial material in the outreach process he carries out. With his continuously evolving experience and abilities and his involvement in various activities, Dani’s capacity as a PPL is on the rise. His enthusiasm is burning brighter, and his love for his work deepens, driven by the increasing number of farmers with high spirits in managing their land and bringing about positive changes to meet their livelihood needs.

“Hopefully, in the future, the Southwest Sumba district can become a center for agricultural production,” Dani hopes. This is his future dream, and he hopes that many farmers will be motivated to manage agriculture diligently, despite the challenges they face. For him, a winner is not someone who has never failed but someone who never gives up. He believes that through sharing, more people will experience benefits and positive changes. Dani emphasized, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously (2 Corinthians 9:6).” With a strong commitment, Dani promises to continue supporting the Unity of Farmers Network (JPS) and position himself as a motivator and facilitator in spreading the knowledge he has acquired while continually developing through collaboration. His passion is to be a winner in everything he does.

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