Magdalena Bulu, affectinately known as Mama Leni, was used to growing tomatoes but did not get maximum results. From his experience planting 1000 tomato trees, she only earned Rp3,000,000. This was because Mama Leni did not have sufficient knowledge about good agricultural practices (GAP). In 2021, it became a learning opportunity for Mama Leni and her family. At that time, Agricultural Extension Worker recommended the Sumber Sejahtera group as a YBTS-assisted group in the Permata program supported by WLF.
Mama Leni, who is one of the group members, learns about the technical aspects of horticultural cultivation, starting with selecting good seed varieties and seedbeds, how to fertilize, knowing about controlling plant pests, and using appropriate pesticides, as well as paying attention to work safety when using pesticides. Finally, in October 2022, Mama Leni decided to plant 1000 tomato trees and carry out maintenance according to the schedule given by the YBTS field officer (TFO). During the harvest, she got satisfactory results with an income of IDR 20,000,000. He uses the money from the tomato harvest for children’s education and household needs and as capital to buy agricultural production facilities such as seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, and hoses for watering the next planting.
Thanks to the perseverance of Mama Leni and her family, in June 2023, her vegetable garden was chosen as the location for the Farmers’ Field Meeting for learning with farmers by planting tomatoes of the Gustavi F1 variety and cauliflower of the Larisa F1 variety. The results from the harvest of these two plants managed to reach IDR 12,000,000. Mama Leni is determined to continue making horticultural farming the main job to meet the family’s economic needs by farming consistently.